Changing Global Text Settings

Every time you open a DynaScape prototype, there are global drawing controls that set the defaults for tables, text, and patterns. These settings are found in the Entity pull-down menu.

There are two types of text that can be inserted into a drawing, and each has their own default (Global) settings that control them:

1.   Plain text without a leader (Text).

2.   Text attached to a leader or dimension (Dimension Text).

To change default text settings, go to the pull-down menu Entity | Text click to open the Global Text Settings panel.




The controls in the Entity menu cannot be edited unless a drawing is open.



All DynaScape prototypes have default text sizes that were determined to be appropriate for the scale of the prototype chosen. However, you may find that under certain circumstances you may need to change the default text settings. If you change the scale of your drawing, you may find that the text size is too large or too small for the new scale.




If you have changed your drawing scale and realize your text size is not correct, copy and paste the entire contents of your drawing into a new prototype with the desired scale. This prototype will have the correct text size for that scale of drawing.