Checking for Updates

Periodically, DynaScape Software will release updates to the DynaScape Design. These updates are free for all users with an active subscription. Typically, updates will provide bug fixes, product enhancements, or increased usability. Besides updating after the initial installation, we recommend that you check for updates on at least a monthly basis, or whenever the software is re-installed.


Updating DynaScape

Windows 10

1.   Click Windows Logo in bottom left corner.

2.   Click All Apps.

3.   Scroll down and click on DynaScape.

4.   Click on Check for DynaScape Design Updates and follow the prompts.



If you are running a version that is more than one year old, you may need to check for updates several times to download all the available updates. DynaScape will usually release two or more updates each year.