Command Alias Syntax

Creating a new command alias requires entering the code to execute a command in a way that DynaScape Design understands. Fortunately, most commands and options in DynaScape Design are duplicated in the CLI. For example, right-clicking the Insert Line tool and entering 10’ in the Length field and 30 in the Angle field in the modifier panel displays INSERT LINE LOCATION: [2D LOCATION] Length 10 Angle 30 after the prompt in the CLI. (: [2D LOCATION] is merely informational and can be ignored.)

In addition to the command itself, a command alias requires a prefix, ^i, and a suffix, either [Space]^# or [Space]^r. The suffix depends on whether more input is required. If, as with INSERT LINE LOCATION, the user must click on the drawing or make some other input, the command alias should include the [Space]^# code. Otherwise, as with REPAINT, the command should end with [Space]^r.

If a command requires separate inputs for different options, use the [space]^# code after each option.

Refer to the table Example Command Aliases in DynaScape Design presented earlier on in this section for examples.