Copying into a New DynaScape Prototype

If you would like to copy part or your entire existing drawing into a New Prototype, you can follow the below instructions:

1.   Select everything on the drawing ([CTRL + A] on your keyboard or Edit > Select All).

2.   Click on the Edit menu and select Copy (or use [CTRL + C]).

3.   Open a new DynaScape prototype with the scale and sheet size you wish to use.

4.   Click on the Edit menu and select Paste (or use [CTRL + V]). As you move your mouse over the drawing page you will see the contents you copied to the clipboard attached to your crosshairs (it may be very small). Left-click on your drawing page and then right-click to place the contents into the new drawing. Press the [Esc] key on your keyboard to finish.

5.   The contents copied into the new drawing may be very small. It is likely not the correct scale and the next steps will explain how to correct this. There also may be other bits of geometry scattered around the drawing, depending on how the original drawing was constructed. These bits can be deleted if not needed.