Creating a Colorable Figure

All the figures in DynaScape that you would normally color have been built to be colorable in DynaScape Color. They all have a ring or closed polyline surrounding the figure that provides a boundary for the color swatches in DynaScape Color. This boundary is always on the Color_Setup layer. This boundary is often the exact same shape as the cluster ring if a cluster ring exists in the figure. For some figures, like ornamental grass, this shape has been created on its own.

If you wish to use DynaScape Color for rendering your drawings, it is critical that you include this boundary on all your custom figures. It is also critical that this boundary is a single, continuous polyline, circle or polygon that surrounds the figure and is placed on the Color_Setup layer.

To create a ‘colorable’ figure, first draw it as you normally would, with all the parts drawn on the correct layers as outlined in this chapter. Then draw an outer ring on the Color Setup layer. Adding this outer ring can be done in several ways:

1.   Copy the outer ring of the figure you have drawn over to an open space on the drawing. Then revise it to the Color Setup layer and move it back on top of the figure you have drawn.

2.   Draw or trace the outer ring using the Polyline tool (with closed polyline turned on) on the Color Setup layer.

3.   For any figures that do not have a closed outer ring, you will need to create one on the Color Setup layer (e.g., Ornamental grasses).