Shrub Figures and Other Layers

As with most figures, shrub figures are made up of multiple layers. The shrub graphic elements of the figure are simply any part of the shrub figure that is not the cluster ring or the shrub marker. In some figures the shrub graphic part of the figure is the small circle in the center or branches or spokes radiating out from the center. Other shrub figures have all shrub graphics, while others have no shrub graphics at all (just a Cluster ring e.g., 1FT_PERENN).

Here are the rules and possible variations for how the Shrub Graphic elements in the new figure must be made:

1.   All shrub graphic elements must be on the Shrub Graphic layer, all perennial graphic elements must be on the Perenn/GrCvr layer etc., except the cluster ring, the color ring and the marker.

2.   Any of the following types of entities may be used to draft the Shrub Graphic elements: Lines, Arcs, Circles, Polylines, Rectangles, Polygons, Text, Points, Hatch Patterns (Exploded) and Section Patterns (Exploded).

3.   The color, line style, and line weight of the shrub graphic elements can be revised to any variation that you think is appropriate.