The Copy Toggle

The Copy toggle has two functions which depend on whether it is turned on or off. The setting of the Copy toggle is important when using any of the editing tools that allow objects to be moved or duplicated.

One example would be when using the Move or Copy Objects tool while the Copy toggle is turned on (red letters on a white background), a copy of the original entity will be created, which can be repositioned anywhere in the Drawing Window. When the Copy toggle is turned off (black letters on a gray background), the original entity can be repositioned anywhere in the Drawing Window, but a duplicate is not created.

The state of the Copy toggle is also confirmed by a pop-up message beside the cursor. If the Copy toggle is turned on you will see a “Copy” pop-up message. If the Copy toggle is turned off, you will see the message “Original” beside the cursor.

The Copy toggle is used in conjunction with tools in the Edit [Modify] toolbox and some of the tools in the Advanced toolbox.