The Tear Away Method



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1.   Click and hold the left mouse button on a tool that has a small blue triangle in the bottom-right corner e.g., click on the “Insert text” button (above).

2.   In this example, a series of tool buttons is displayed in which each button controls a different option for inserting text in DynaScape Design. This new display of tool buttons is called a ‘nested’ toolbox.

3.   Continue to hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor away from the toolbox. Once your cursor is free from the main toolbox, a new toolbox that shows all the nested tools will follow your cursor. These tools will all be related to each other in some way.

4.   Release the mouse button to position the new toolbox at a new location.

This uncovered toolbox—and any other created in the same way—has all the properties of a regular toolbox: it can be resized, minimized, or dragged to a new location. It will also remain open even if its host toolbox is closed.