When to Use Modes

Modes are used when you want to create a different set of drawings, such as a dimensioned drawing from a previously existing drawing. Because modes relate quite tightly to layers. Modes have been created to allow the various layers to be turned on when a mode is selected. By working with modes, you can create multiple drawings without having to redraw the drawing numerous times.

For example, Design Mode is the most common mode that user work in and the mode that automatically opens when you start a DynaScape Design project. Design Mode shows all the elements which are generally shown in a masterplan such as the labels, trees, shrubs, rocks, patio furniture, etc. Dimension Mode on the other hand turns off the elements of the design not relevant in a working drawing such as the canopies of the trees and shrubs which are replaced with markers, or symbols signifying the centers of these objects. Plant labels and other various layers are also turned off while the major players in a dimension plan are left on (building, driveway, walkway, deck, etc.) making it easier to place dimension lines and leaving the drawing cleaner and easier to read. The benefit here is that from just the one drawing you can print a Design Plan and a Dimension Plan for layout and staking. Other possible drawing views could be a Lighting Plan, a Grading Plan and an Irrigation Plan.