A Sample of Inference Locations Described

•    The Origin (shown in the diagram) is the center of the Circle. Origin is also the pivot of the radius in a Smooth Polyline segment (not shown here).

•    One Midpoint is labeled. There are four more: three at the center of the remaining sides of the Rectangle and one at the center (midpoint) of the Line.

•    One End is labeled, but there is, of course, one more at the opposite end of the Line.

•    Two attachment points unique to Circles are shown: Bisect and Quadrant.

•    One Vertex is labeled, and there are three more vertices at the remaining corners of the Rectangle.

•    There is one Intersect location labeled; there is another where the Rectangle and Line overlap.

•    The labeled “On” location is only one of a theoretically infinite number of locations for an “On” attachment point.  “On” is simply anywhere along an entity where one of the other seven location options does not apply.




The list shown above is not an exhaustive list of all possible attachment locations for all the entities in DynaScape Design but is meant as an introduction to the range of options in the system. As you draft real plans you will discover the full range of options presented by this tool.


As stated, the various possible object attachment locations (inference locations) associated with the elements in your drawing are not normally visible. To see these locations (and make use of them), we must use Inference and Tracking, both described below.