Best Practices for Raster Images

1.   JPG files are the best type to use if possible - convert TIF files to JPG's if they aren’t coming through.

2.   PDF files should be saved as C Size (18x24) or smaller.

3.   Keep image files as small as possible - 600x600 pixels is recommended. 1400 x 1400 pixels should be the maximum size.

4.   Rasters are cumulative - too many rasters, especially large ones, may cause a drawing to not open.  Keep them small if you plan to use a lot of them.

5.   Do not import images from a network location.

6.   If you plan to share a drawing with images with someone else, you will need to place all the image files in the exact same file location on their computer.

7.   Keep all your image files in the same location. Keep them with your drawing files so you can easily locate them.

8.   Scan lot plans as small an image/file size as you can.

9.   Set your scanner’s resolution to no higher than 200dpi.

10. Scan lots plans in black and white to reduce file size.

11.  When having large plans scanned always ask for a JPG file and have them scan at 50% (at 200dpi).