Insert a Hatch Pattern into a Contained Area

The Insert a Hatch Patter into a contained area tool allows you to select an area to be sectioned simply by clicking in the center of an area that is completely encompassed by lines (lines, polylines, etc.) that join and/or cross one another. By clicking in the center, DynaScape Design finds these edges and determines the area to be filled. If the area is not completely contained a message will appear in the CLI stating Hatch has no boundary. Locate the problem area, correct it and try again.




You will notice that when you apply a hatch to the drawing that the line style in which it is inserted into the drawing is grey scale. This has been done so that when hatches are applied to a drawing they do not appear to be overpowering or as solid as the other lines (e.g., plantbed, walkway, etc.) on the drawing. This grey scale look cannot be changed. Regardless of which layer you choose to insert your hatch patterns on they will always appear in this grey scale style. This does not apply to section patterns.