Insert Points Along a Line Using a Percentage Increment

Also nested under the previous tool, the Insert points along a line using a percentage increment tool works similar to the tool above however, instead of setting a distance, a percentage is set as the spacing between points.

Graphical user interface

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To use this tool:

1.   For an exercise, draw a 20’ line in the Plantbed layer and press [esc].

2.   Switch to the Building layer.

3.   Click on the tool (shown above) to open the modifier.

4.   Enter a percentage of 33 (to break the line into thirds) and the number of points to 4. You will create three equal sections of lines between points.

5.   Left-click and then right-click on the path(s) where the points will be placed. The points will automatically be added to the line.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated




The size of the point entered onto the drawing is determined by the line weight of the layer selected so it is generally a good idea to select a layer which has a heavier line weight then the layer in which the path is drawn on. For example, if you are going to show fence posts, it would be a good idea to select the building layer (which has a six inch line weight) to show the posts on top of the fence layer as we did in the above examples.