Line Weights

All layers in DynaScape Design have one of eight line weights assigned to them. Line weights are what give your drawing the hierarchy, or depth, that it needs to portray height, etc., within a drawing.

The Line Weight Table Editor

DynaScape Design is limited to eight unique, preset line weights. While you can change which line weight is being used by a particular layer it is not advised to alter the line weight table itself because it may adversely affect the line weights of figures.

By default, the Line Weights list is set to By Layer—this means that the layer in which you are working with take on the properties of line weight preset in the layers list. If you select any of the other settings (i.e.: select 2:0 1/2”) all lines you draw will take on that line weight characteristic. We recommend you always leave this setting on By Layer.




Each DynaScape layer is assigned to one of these line weight numbers. If you change the weight significantly it may affect the layer more than you intended. It is recommended not to change the line weights dramatically.  Instead assign objects or layers to a different line weight number if needed.