Offset Through a Location

A second offset tool is available, nested beneath the main offset tool. This second offset tool allows for objects to be Offset through a location—this simply means that rather than setting the offset distance in the modifier, a point is selected with the mouse to which the objects become offset to.

To use this tool:

1.   Click on the tool (shown above).

2.   Turn the Copy toggle On if you wish to keep the original line(s) in place.

3.   Click to select the entities to be offset. Multiple entities can be selected however they must meet end-to-end in order to be offset together and they must be contiguous (selected in order).

4.   Once the items are selected, right click to end the selection process.

5.   Click on the location you wish to offset to. If copy is toggled on, a copy of the entity will appear. If not, the entity will be moved to the new offset location.

The offset tool can be used with or without the Copy toggle. As with the move tool, when the Copy option is selected the word COPY will be attached to the cursor.