Setting the Active Drawing


You may open as many drawings as you like in DynaScape Design; however, only the active drawing will be the target for the commands you issue. The active drawing will have a bright blue title bar; any other drawings will have a dim blue title bar. There are three ways to make a drawing active (when multiple drawings are open):


1.   Click on any part of the drawing in the Drawing Window.

2.   Select the drawing to activate from the list displayed at the bottom of the Window menu.

3.   Choose Window | Previous or hold [Ctrl] and press [W] as a keyboard shortcut for Previous file. Or choose Window | Next or hold [Ctrl + Shift] and press [W] as a keyboard shortcut for Next file.




We strongly advise that only one drawing be open and active at a time. Having more than one drawing open, especially different versions of the same drawing, can be confusing, and can lead to accidental overwriting or loss of an entire drawing. DynaScape can also become unstable if more than one drawing is open at a time. DynaScape’s drawing recovery can only recover one drawing in the case of a power failure or crash.