Why Do Figure Libraries Fail to Load or Seem to Disappear?

Opening DynaScape Design for the First Time

When DynaScape Design is opened for the first time, the figure libraries will appear empty without any previews showing. This does not mean they are missing, rather they need to be activated. Simply click on the down arrow of the tab window and select another figure library (Accessories is the first library in the list, so select any that lie beneath this.) The previews will immediately appear and will remain when you return to the first library you tried to open. If the previews don’t appear, close and reopen the drawing, and repeat the process.


If the full set of libraries remain empty, it may be due to the fact that the software was installed on a drive other than the C: (the default installation location for DynaScape Design is the C: drive). If this is the case, you will need to reload the libraries. To do this, open the Library Manager (found under Tools) and remove all the existing libraries by selecting the library and click on Remove. Then add the libraries back in by clicking on the Add button and navigating to the location on the hard drive where the libraries were installed (this could be the D: for instance). Remember to add the libraries back in the order in which you want them to appear on the Figures tab (note: you will need to add each library back in one at a time). You must set the override layers for each library after you have added them back in (see Setting the Library Layer Override later in this chapter).


Opening an Existing Drawing

If you open an existing drawing and find the figure libraries have disappeared or appear empty even though they were available during your last drawing session, try to insert a figure even though the preview boxes on the figure tab appear empty. If the selection fails to insert, close the drawing and open any other previously saved drawing file. When this drawing loads, check to see if the figure libraries are visible. If they are, open the first drawing again and check the figures tab. The full library set should be visible and ready for use. If they are still not there, close and restart the software. Open the first drawing again and check the figures tab. If, in the unlikely event, the libraries are still not visible, back up any customizations, then uninstall DynaScape Design and reinstall from our website www.dynascape.com. Be sure not to delete any data, including custom figure library files, as you do so.


Libraries You Create Appear Missing After Downloading Library Files

Figures in libraries you create yourself will disappear if accidentally erased or overwritten when re-loading the complete set of figure libraries from DynaScape Software (formerly Garden Graphics). Always back data up, including libraries containing new figures you create yourself to avoid any accidental loss. Figures are always stored in the Symbols folder (at C:\Documents and Settings\(User Name)\My Documents\DynaSCAPEDS\symbols)