How to Save a Drawing

When you first open a new prototype drawing and begin drafting a plan, the work you are doing is not being safely stored in your computer’s storage system until you actively save it. Until you save a plan (give it a file name and a storage location), it exists only as a series of DynaScape Design commands (temporarily held) in your computer’s RAM memory. Because of this, your work is vulnerable to being lost if there are any glitches in your computer environment (software or hardware problems). You should save a new drawing as soon as it is practical to do so.




Never save a drawing over a network or to any removable storage device. Saving this way may result in a corrupted drawing file. Always save to your local computer and then copy the drawing file to the network or removable storage device.


DynaScape Design provides the standard Windows utilities and routines for saving your work. You can initiate the Save command in any one of three ways:

1.   Manually save the Active Drawing.

2.   Automatically save the Active Drawing using the Autosave option.

3.   And finally, the ‘Save Drawing?’ panel will be prompted by either closing the active drawing, closing all open drawings, or by closing (exiting) DynaScape Design.